Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Annual Cookie Party Part 3

Ok I swear there will only be one more part after this one. I know, I know-- how hard can chocolate chip cookies be, for pete's sake. Well as you might come to know I'm a bit of a perfectionist so therefore I give up way too easily and most of the time don't even try because, to me, I will fail. So this is why I'm here-- now I WILL perfect the chocolate chip cookie or they will just be alright and I WILL be ok with that too!

I am re-reading this and realizing how ridiculous this is, HELLO they are just cookies and will be gone in maybe 20 seconds-ok growth, now I will move on!


  1. my fiancé saw this mixer and she loves it. Does Kitchenaid still make it.

  2. Sorry, not sure. I've had mine for quite some time.


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