Sunday, November 29, 2009

To Explain and Disclaim

Well here it is I'm finally beginning my blog, it has taken about two weeks to gather my nerve, so I'll just jump right in. Here is my disclaimer right off the bat I am by no means a baker or a writer! I have dabbled in some cookie baking (big cookie fan) as well as an occasional cake (ditto) or quick bread, but I have long desired to bake a good hearty loaf of bread or develop some cake decorating skills.

So after I have gathered some more nerve, I thought maybe I can jump into this the same way and just blog about it. I warn you there will be A LOT of mistakes, I can cook a pretty mean meal but when it comes to baking it is quite a calamity, so much so that my husband has begged me to give it up.

The plan is to try out some old and new recipes, using my one of my favorite kitchen tools my hot pink mixer, once a week and document it. In addition I might occasionally mention a favorite kitchen tool or interesting fact I have discovered in my perusing of all things kitchen/food. My goal is to develop some skills along the way as well as increase some self confidence, in and out of the kitchen, while not increasing my waistline as I am trying to whittle it down. Here goes!

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